An individual always wants to see his/her dear ones hale and hearty. Its a prayer for our ailing loved one. When a person becomes ill he/she not only becomes physically weak but also becomes remorse and sad. Illness very often makes a person feel isolated and different from other people. An ill human being always thinks that his/her friends and family are having trouble for his/her illness. Not only this,illness brings different bad thinkings into our minds. A message saying 'get well soon' is nothing but a way to enliven the sick person. Just to make the person realise that he/she will be fine and will be back to his/her regular routine with high sprits. When a sick man/woman gets such a message it brings a positive vibe in him/her that helps the person to recover fast,that gives the person a mental strength. The sick person thinks that someone atleast is there who actually cares for him/her and the former is not a burden or a trouble to the later.